Monday, July 2, 2018

How to relieve stress in 13 ways

how to relieve stress in 13 ways

Stress is an impact or reaction of our body when we faced with mind burden that always exist and we must face it every time. In this article you will read the tips how to relieve stress in 13 ways. 

Stress can happen anytime, anywhere. Things that make us stress is commonly called stressors, can arise from various issues concerning our daily lives such as marriage, children's education, association, employment, environment, finances, lifestyle changes, disease and traumatic experiences.

Stress arises if a person fails to adjust to the challenges and demands that he faces. Or in other words there is a kind of gap between the demands of life and the ability to deal with it. Everyone can get stressed with certain intensity. Some can handle it well, but many later suffer from adverse physical and mental symptoms.

To be sure, stress is inevitable, the simple way to overcome is to manage the stress that make us suffered. To be able to manage stress we must strengthen our physical and mental (body and mind). Immunity to stress can be generated in several ways. Here are some tips for dealing with stress.
  • Having a good diet
Eat well, no more and no less. Have a good menu with balanced calories between carbohydrate, protein and fat. This is important to avoid obesity or lack of weight. Go eat immediately when food still warm or fresh from the oven, because cold foods can reduce our immunity to infections. Eat regularly with morning, day and night schedules.
  • Get a good night's sleep
Sleep is the best natural remedy to heal physical and mental fatigue as well as the basic needs of our lives. The good thing is if we sleep 7 - 8 hours every day or at least 4 days a week to keep our immune system. Sleeping only 3 - 4 hours or less every night will reduce immunity and are prone to stress. Keep the good head position while sleeping to avoid neck stiffness when awake.
  • Exercise regularly
It's common knowledge that exercise is good for health, but to do it regularly requires strong determination and high discipline. Exercise can be simple and easy for example walking or jogging in your neighborhood. Exercise about 10 - 15 minutes every day or at least 2 times a week or until you sweat is enough. Do not bathe with warm water after exercise,
  • Stop smoking, right now
This is hard for people who have been smokers for years. In fact, most consider cigarettes as a stress reliever that can help to calm the mind of the problem that may befall. The negative impact of smoking is very clear. In contrast, temporary euphoria and the effects of smoking addiction precisely cause susceptibility to stress. Reduced immunity is also caused by decreased appetite that leads to malnutrition.
  • Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is usually a lifestyle of some people and is forbidden to drink and or consume it by some religions. Drinking alcohol potentially become a habit and eventually fall into an alcoholic. There are many dreadful stories about people who die from addiction, So, avoid it, do not even try.
  • Maintain your body weight
Maintaining ideal weight is a guarantee of resistance to stress. Both excess and lack of weight result in decreased resistance to stress. Check your ideal weight using Body Mass Index (BMI), then take the necessary action to restore your ideal weight, for example with diet and exercise.
  • Socialize
As a social being, no one in this world can live on its own without anyone else as Robinson Crusso once did. Socializing or associating with others will increase the body's resistance to stress. Make a good relationship, friendly and harmonious with friends, neighbors, fellow employees and other family members. Find some close friend or someone to share and share.
  • Utilize your time
Do not waste time. Time management is good for everyday life is a support immunity to stress. It is important to schedule your activities at home, school or office. Use your time effectively and efficiently for productive things only. Do not delay something if it can be done now. Divide your time proportionally to work, family, rest, exercise, eating and most importantly, take time to pray the God.
  • Be a good prayer
Dismantle your religion with all your heart and soul, because we as human beings basically have spiritual needs. Do not make religion a mere formality and status. Religion or belief can provide strength and peace of mind in the face of the pressures and challenges of everyday life. It has been proven that sincere people are more resilient and have exceptional physical and mental endurance.
  • Get some recreation
Occasional healthy recreation is a great way to restore the physical and mental endurance of a monotonous and boring life. Have a time to relax with family or friends needs to be scheduled. In addition to pleasure, spending time with family will bring harmony, closeness, mutual understanding, love and love between family members.
  • Balanced your finance
Balance your expenses with your income. Never spend more than what you earn. Use your money wisely and prioritize for productive things rather than just to fulfill consumer desires. Buy what you need not what you want. In terms of trying to fulfill your social and career ambitions, do it controlled according to your strengths and weaknesses, abilities and limitations.
  • Love and caring
Loving and being loved is one of the basic human needs. Love and care must be developed in a family, husband, wife and children to achieve harmony. A study in the United States concluded that about 80% of executives experience stress because of disharmony in the family
  • Others
There are several other ways to relieve stress and strengthen physical and mental endurance by doing relaxation, meditation and yoga. Relaxation of herbs such as massage, bath and aromatherapy can also help the recovery of soul power to face the world's challenges.

So that was article about How to relieve stress in 13 ways,
Good luck and have a nice day!


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